

WRX Registry is an open and free site to anyone and everyone who owns or just likes the Subaru WRX.

As a member, if you own a WRX you can register it for free in our registry. This will assign a personalized serial number to you and your WRX. Once you have a serial number you can show off your assigned number by purchasing a personalized vinyl decal that is available in several different colors. Members are also able to join in forum conversations and share their thoughts and experiences with others. Also, every member has a photo gallery where they can upload and share images with others.


Creating an Account

It is easy and free... Just use the link below to "Create Account" or look to the Menu that is located along the left side, Below the menu, you should see three options, the bottom option is "Create an Account". Click on the create account link and answer the simple questions. Press the register button.  An activation email will be sent to the email account that you used for the registration. If you do not see the activation email. Check your spam folder. Simply click the link in the activation email to activate your new account on the WRX registry website.

Sign up Here: Create Account

Don't forget to like us on Facebook, and send us a photo of your ride...